Our Two Year Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My sister and a chair saw. Now that’s a funny sight. I have a clip of her and if she knew I posted it she would be oh so mad. So I am putting it up. Oh and just to say this, I love my sister I don’t post this stuff to embarrass her, I think she is great and she should not feel embarrassed about any thing she does. I love how she can be her self and make people laugh, it’s a great thing. She has me laughing all the time, I love spending time with her because she is so astonishing.

Jessica with a chain saw. Watch Out!!!

She is extraordinary. I feel so lucky to be her sister, to get to be around her and know her. She has so much life. I can think of hundreds of words that could describe her and I would still not fully name who she is. I guess the best word is her favorite, magnanimous.

1 comment:

Katie and Alex said...

Get your fill, because she might make me remove it.